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Saturday, 27 November 2010

Going up a grade...check this out to add extra marks to your work

Use the key media terms and Goffman's theory in your slides - go through this presentation and then apply what you've learnt to your annotations!

Goffman's Theory - Bigger version

Thursday, 18 November 2010

After you've done your print images...

After you've annotated your print adverts you need to do the following:

1. Go to Resources:Yr11 Advertising:Moving Adverts Gender and pick a video that you can
     a. write about comfortably
     b. compare easily with your print adverts
2. Drag and drop the advert onto your desktop and then drag it onto your powerpoint - don't just drag it from the resources folder - it won't work properly later
3. Watch the advert and answer the questions on the blog below, focusing on how meaning is made and how gender is being represented
4. You don't have to answer all the question, write them out or do them in the order they're on the blog - use them as a GUIDE.
5. You may want to use some screen shots of your moving image advert so what you do is play your video to the shot you're writing about, stop it at the shot you want and use CMD, SHIFT and 4 to make your mouse into a target - you select an area and it will save it as an image on your desktop that you can embed in your powerpoint
6. You can do more than one moving image advert if you want
7. You need to compare the MOVING advert with ANY of the STILL adverts - your comparisons MUST include a moving and a print advert but you CAN choose to answer the questions using different examples so you could answer q1 with your moving image and advert 1 and then do question two on your moving image advert and adverts 3 and 4
8. Remember to write about GENDER as well as other ideas, messages and values.

If you're stuck, just ask miss

Monday, 8 November 2010

Comparing your print and moving image adverts

Writing about a  Moving Image  advert
1.    What happens in the advert – rough/brief outline only
2.    What is being sold?
3.    Who do you think the advert is targeting – and WHY?
4.    Think about the sound – what is the quality like? Is it smooth and flowing, loud and brash or funky and fun for example
5.    What is the slogan? How effective is it?
6.    Does the music/jingle stick in your head? If so that makes it effective (write about this)
7.    What is the colour like? Is it bright? Dark? Low lighting? If so why?
8.    What sort of effects are created by the light and colour and do any of the colours connote anything?
9.    Does the camera move in a particular way that makes it interesting?
10.  Are there any focuses on particular things and/or people?
11.  How is gender shown? Are there stereotypes of men/women, girls/boys, families etc?
12.  Is the advert using a particular technique to sell:
a.    Sex? (using sexual imagery/sexy women/men)
b.    Making you feel guilty – if you don’t buy it you’re doing something wrong/missing something?
c.     Make you feel you MUST HAVE the product/service?

You also need to   COMPARE   all the adverts you have analysed:
1.    In what ways are they the same?
a.    Conventions – brand image, slogan etc
b.    Messages – are they using similar messages?
c.     Use of Colour/Light and Mise-en-scene
d.    How are they representing gender/families/youth etc
2.    How does the media they use affect this (i.e. compare moving image and how it works and what impact it has with print images).
a.    Think about how they are good in different situations – i.e. the audience on a bus will respond better to a print ad on the side of a bus than a moving image – they’d have not enough time to view it properly
b.    What can the advert do better in film/print?
3.    How do you think the audience will ‘receive’ the advert?
4.    How is this different for both moving image and print?
5.    How do you think the audience will interpret the advert?