When you have done your powerpoint on advertising, covering representation of gender and using print and moving image adverts that you have compared.....
You need to go on to making your own advert. This can be for ANY product BUT I suggest you choose something you can easily find images of on GOOGLE IMAGE search AND that you choose a product that is clearly either for men OR women (so perfume, deodorant, shaving products etc) as this will help you to annotate your own advert with comments related to the representation of GENDER.
You need to use PHOTOSHOP and if you haven't used it before, there are some tutorials in the RESOURCES drive in the the "Tutorials" folder. All the photos used in the tutorials are in the folder so you can follow them as you go aloong. These will take just about 1 1/2 lessons so bear that in mind when planning these last two weeks.
For 11A1, you have 4 lessons before we finish and 11B2, you will have 4 BUT bear in mind that you may lose your last lesson as it is on the last day of term....
LOTS TO DO GUYS!!! but you've made really good progress and I'm proud of all of you!