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Friday, 15 October 2010

Advertising & Marketing Chapter

Advertising and Marketing Chapter

Stereotypes - Tessa Perkins

Rethinking Stereotypes - (Tessa Perkins)

1. Stereotypes are not always wrong
2. They are not always negative concepts
3. They are about groups with whom we have little or no social contact; by implication, therefore, they are not held about our own group(s)
4. They are not always about minority (or oppressed) groups
5. They can be simple or complicated
6. They are not rigid and can change
7. People often believe some parts of a stereotype but not always all

Adapted for GCSE

Binary Opposites


Thursday, 14 October 2010

Conventions of Adverts

Conventions of print adverts

Print adverts are usually made up of the following key features, known as conventions. These are the things that make it recognisable as an advert ‑ the logo, slogan, brand name etc. Not all adverts feature all these conventions all of the time, but they are considered to be the ‘norm'.

Product or Service   
            This is what is being advertised ‑ coffee, mascara and baby food are all
            products, banking, insurance, gas supplies are all services. Some
            adverts promote an overall company (or brand) as opposed to a
            specific product made by that company. Fashion, sportswear and
            technology adverts are often like this.

Brand    This is the ‘idea’ of the product and is often the same as the company who 
               manufacture the product or provide the service.

            The central or key picture that encourages us to look at the advert.
            This can be analysed by looking at its technical features (lighting,
            camera position etc). These are called technical codes. Also you would
            explore its visual codes. This refers to the content of the picture (who
            or what is the picture of, their position, clothing, d6cor etc).

Copy    This is the written explanation of the product on the advert.

Slogan    This is the catchy phrase about the brand or the product that is
                supposed to stick in our minds.

Brand logo   This is the small graphic used to represent the brand.

The copy, slogan and brand logo all act as anchorage on a print advert.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Just how real is an advert?

Your Moodboard


1.   Collect lots of adverts from the Resources folder for similar products – look in “still adverts’

2.   Read the sheets in the resources folders about the types of:
a.   Stereotypes – look at the Stereotypes St Trinians AND Rethinking Stereotypes
b.   Gender Roles/Representations – look at Binary Opposites
c.    If you’re doing women in advertising, look at Margerie Ferguson – she discusses the different types of pose for women in advertising.
d.   Decide which gender roles/stereotypes your researched adverts are using

3.   You should look at the “advertising & marketing chapter.pdf’ which will help you with the ideas in advertising for GCSE level and to help you add useful info to your assignment.

4.   LABEL a few CHOSEN adverts from your collection with:
a.   Different poses used
b.   Key features of adverts – slogan/pack shot etc
c.    Uses of Margerie Ferguson’s poses
d.   Label/show where women/men’s roles/stereotypes are being shown e.g. strong physical type, arty type, office bimbo, yummy mummy type etc

Put ONE advert per slide and cover all the points mentioned in the sheets you've read- these are the points you need to cover to get all the possible marks! Aim to do about 4-5 adverts in detail.

5.   CHOOSE a moving image advert to place in your Powerpoint and use the questions in 4 above to write a slide that covers the key areas as your analysis - the slide can be AFTER the advert slide.

6.   The FINAL job is to COMPARE the two adverts.

7.   DRAW some conclusions about the representation of either women or men in advertising based on your work - this needs to refer to the THEORY you covered and read about in Number 2 above.



To create a slogan and campaign idea
To design a logo
To produce two adverts in PHOTOSHOP
To show how key audience is targeted in the advert
To show several recent adverts
To explain the conventions of the adverts
To discuss the representations of GENDER in the advert


1.     Compile Mood board of collected adverts – be creative and artistic – use PHOTOSHOP or POWERPOINT
2.     List the conventions and label them – use arrows, thought bubbles, bullet points
3.     Invent a Product name – brainstorm then just pick one!
4.     Use the target audience as detailed – listed in design brief for you
5.     Design a logo – be colourful but remember FONT is really, really important!
6.     Invent a campaign idea – write it down in brief
7.     Show how audience is targeted – you can use arrows, thought bubbles etc
8.     Create a slogan – you can be cheesy but don’t whatever you do be boring!
9.     Design one advert for the product – FLAT PLAN – must be in colour, very neat and to SCALE!
10.   Upon approval only, create final proofs on PHOTOSHOP


MOOD BOARD                                               
CONVENTIONS LISTED                       
PRODUCT NAME                                   
CAMPAIGN IDEA                        
FLAT PLAN DESIGN                        
FINISHED PRODUCT                        

Monday 11/10  - what you plan to do in each session to get the list done – plot it out
Thursday 14/10
Monday 18/10
Thursday 21/10                                                                                                HALF TERM
Monday 1/11
Thursday 4/11
Monday 8/11
Thursday 11/11

These are our key markets we want to target. Please aim your product and brief towards ONE of these audiences. It is important we know how you intend to market to your chosen group – please make sure it is clear in your brief.

1.     Boys/young men, aged 17-25. Urban dwelling, fun-loving – want to be seen as hip and cool
2.     Boys/young men, aged 17-25 Sporty and outdoors oriented
3.     Girls/young women, aged 15-25 – Urban, fun loving, club and fashion oriented
4.     Girls/Young Women  aged 20 – 30, Urban Workers with money to spend


The sample bottles are cheap to manufacture and are available for you to choose from. Images for art work are found in the Distan Gior Folder in the shared resources folder